‘Mixed-methods’ onderzoek naar de langetermijninvloed van het buddyproject van ArmenTeKort op mensen in kansarmoede

15 juli 2021

The befriending methodology is increasingly used by the Flemish government also in the reduction of poverty. ArmenTeKort, an organization that uses this method, pairs up rather advantaged (privileged) citizens with underprivileged citizens and have them go through a two-year trajectory together to strengthen the self-esteem of the underprivileged person, so that he/she can find the strength to get out of poverty on their own. The purpose of this study is to investigate the long-term influence of ArmenTeKort's befriending-project on the socio-economic living conditions and empowerment of people in disadvantaged situations after the trajectory is finished.

26 respondents, underprivileged citizens, participated in this study where quantitative and qualitative research, with surveys and interviews, was done. This study shows no significant benefit of the befriending methodology. The influence of the befriending method in terms of socio-economic life situation of the disadvantaged people is very limited. From the qualitative data, there seems to be an influence in terms of well-being, empowerment and self-esteem, but this alone is not enough to also bring clear changes in the socio-economic life situation of disadvantaged people. This points out the structural barriers disadvantaged citizens face. Only a befriending-project is not sufficient to overcome these barriers.


Dorien Vandenbruaene


prof. dr. Pieter Cools


vzw ArmenTeKort


Universiteit Antwerpen